Jacqueline Tagle

Volunteer Coordinator

Brief info

Jane Goodall said, "What you do makes a difference and you have to decide
what kind of difference you want to make." Then Helene Cooper said, "Death
is universal, everyone dies but not everyone lives." So Jacqueline Tagle
said, "Let's go!"

Throughout her 11 years in the veterinary industry, Jacqueline has applied
her medical and administrative skills actively volunteering on a local and
international scale. She began interning with Chicago-based institutions
including John G. Shedd Aquarium where she was initially exposed to marine
life and developed an interest for corals and saltwater fish. Additionally,
she has traveled to remote locations around the world including Costa Rica
where through beach patrols she tracked and studied nesting mothers and
tended to at-risk nests in a turtle nursery. Earlier this year 2020, she
dove twice daily in the Indian Ocean along a remote village in Madagascar to
survey coral reef health and benthic populations with Blue Ventures while
planning and leading informal English lessons for locals.

Jane Goodall and Helene Cooper had it right. Do something meaningful and
live a life without regret. Working with animals or in the conservation
sector is both challenging and rewarding. As long as she's able-bodied
physically and mentally, she will continue to lift all the heavy turtles,
walk the steepest sandy beach, tread through the wettest jungle floors, or
learn the logistics to run a successful ngo aimed towards conservation and
community engagement and education. The world is made of flora and fauna
where specie each plays a role, not one is more important than the other.

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